Source code for awsfabrictasks.ec2.api

from os.path import exists, join, expanduser, abspath
from warnings import warn
from pprint import pformat
from boto.ec2 import connect_to_region
from fabric.api import local, env, abort

from awsfabrictasks.conf import awsfab_settings
from awsfabrictasks.utils import rsyncformat_path

[docs]def zipit(ss): """ Returns a string containing a user_data compatible gzip-file of the zipped ss input. Note(using zlib alone is not sufficient - we need a zipfile structure) """ import StringIO import gzip out = StringIO.StringIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out, mode='w') f.write(ss) f.close() return out.getvalue()
[docs]def ec2_rsync_upload_command(instancewrapper, local_dir, remote_dir, rsync_args='-av', sync_content=False): """ Returns the rsync command used by :func:`ec2_rsync_upload`. Takes the same parameters as :func:`ec2_rsync_upload`, except for the first parameter, ``instancewrapper``, which is a :class:`Ec2InstanceWrapper` object. """ ssh_uri = instancewrapper.get_ssh_uri() key_filename = instancewrapper.get_ssh_key_filename() extra_ssh_args = awsfab_settings.EXTRA_SSH_ARGS local_dir = rsyncformat_path(local_dir, sync_content) rsync_cmd = ('rsync {rsync_args} -e "ssh -i {key_filename} {extra_ssh_args}" ' '{local_dir} {ssh_uri}:{remote_dir}').format(**vars()) return rsync_cmd
[docs]def ec2_rsync_upload(local_dir, remote_dir, rsync_args='-av', sync_content=False): """ rsync ``local_dir`` into ``remote_dir`` on the current EC2 instance (the one returned by :meth:`Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string`). :param sync_content: Normally the function automatically makes sure ``local_dir`` is not suffixed with ``/``, which makes rsync copy ``local_dir`` into ``remote_dir``. With ``sync_content=True``, the content of ``local_dir`` is synced into ``remote_dir`` instead. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() rsync_cmd = ec2_rsync_upload_command(instancewrapper, local_dir, remote_dir, rsync_args, sync_content) local(rsync_cmd)
[docs]def ec2_rsync(*args, **kwargs): """ .. deprecated:: 1.0.13 Use :func:`ec2_rsync_upload` instead. """ warn('Deprecated since 1.0.13. Use ec2_rsync_upload instead.', DeprecationWarning) return ec2_rsync_upload(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def ec2_rsync_download_command(instancewrapper, remote_dir, local_dir, rsync_args='-av', sync_content=False): """ Returns the rsync command used by :func:`ec2_rsync_download`. Takes the same parameters as :func:`ec2_rsync_download`, except for the first parameter, ``instancewrapper``, which is a :class:`Ec2InstanceWrapper` object. """ ssh_uri = instancewrapper.get_ssh_uri() key_filename = instancewrapper.get_ssh_key_filename() extra_ssh_args = awsfab_settings.EXTRA_SSH_ARGS remote_dir = rsyncformat_path(remote_dir, sync_content) rsync_cmd = ('rsync {rsync_args} -e "ssh -i {key_filename} {extra_ssh_args}" ' '{ssh_uri}:{remote_dir} {local_dir}').format(**vars()) return rsync_cmd
[docs]def ec2_rsync_download(remote_dir, local_dir, rsync_args='-av', sync_content=False): """ rsync ``remote_dir`` on the current EC2 instance (the one returned by :meth:`Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string`) into ``local_dir``. :param sync_content: Normally the function automatically makes sure ``local_dir`` is not suffixed with ``/``, which makes rsync copy ``local_dir`` into ``remote_dir``. With ``sync_content=True``, the content of ``local_dir`` is synced into ``remote_dir`` instead. """ instance = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() rsync_cmd = ec2_rsync_download_command(instance, remote_dir, local_dir, rsync_args, sync_content) local(rsync_cmd)
def _parse_instanceident(instanceid_with_optional_region): if ':' in instanceid_with_optional_region: region, instanceid = instanceid_with_optional_region.split(':', 1) else: instanceid = instanceid_with_optional_region region = awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION return region, instanceid
[docs]def parse_instanceid(instanceid_with_optional_region): """ Parse instance id with an optional region-name prefixed. Region name is specified by prefixing the instanceid with ``<regionname>:``. :return: (region, instanceid) where region defaults to ``awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION`` if not prefixed to the id. """ return _parse_instanceident(instanceid_with_optional_region)
[docs]def parse_instancename(instancename_with_optional_region): """ Just like :func:`parse_instanceid`, however this is for instance names. We keep them as separate functions in case they diverge in the future. :return: (region, instanceid) where region defaults to ``awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION`` if not prefixed to the name. """ return _parse_instanceident(instancename_with_optional_region)
[docs]class Ec2RegionConnectionError(Exception): """ Raised when we fail to connect to a region. """ def __init__(self, region): self.region = region msg = 'Could not connect to region: {region}'.format(**vars()) super(Ec2RegionConnectionError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class InstanceLookupError(LookupError): """ Base class for instance lookup errors. """
[docs]class MultipleInstancesWithSameNameError(InstanceLookupError): """ Raised when multiple instances with the same nametag is discovered. (see: :meth:`Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_nametag`) """
[docs]class NoInstanceWithNameFound(InstanceLookupError): """ Raised when no instace with the requested name is found in :meth:`Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_nametag`. """
[docs]class NotExactlyOneInstanceError(InstanceLookupError): """ Raised when more than one instance is found when expecting exactly one instance. """
[docs]class Ec2InstanceWrapper(object): """ Wraps a :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Instance` with convenience functions. :ivar instance: The :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Instance`. """ def __init__(self, instance): """ :param instance: A :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Instance` object. """ self.instance = instance def __getitem__(self, key): """ Provides easy access to attributes in ``self.instance``. """ return getattr(self.instance, key) def __str__(self): return 'Ec2InstanceWrapper:{0}'.format(self.prettyname()) def __repr__(self): return 'Ec2InstanceWrapper({0})'.format(self.prettyname())
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Return ``True`` if state=='running'. """ return self.instance.state == 'running'
[docs] def is_stopped(self): """ Return ``True`` if state=='stopped'. """ return self.instance.state == 'stopped'
[docs] def prettyname(self): """ Return a pretty-formatted name for this instance, using the Name-tag if the instance is tagged with it. """ instanceid = name = self.instance.tags.get('Name') if name: return '{instanceid} (name={name})'.format(**vars()) else: return instanceid
[docs] def get_ssh_uri(self): """ Get the SSH URI for the instance. :return: "<instance.tags['awsfab-ssh-user']>@<instance.public_dns_name>" """ user = self['tags'].get('awsfab-ssh-user', awsfab_settings.EC2_INSTANCE_DEFAULT_SSHUSER) host = self['public_dns_name'] return '{user}@{host}'.format(**vars())
[docs] def get_ssh_key_filename(self): """ Get the SSH indentify filename (.pem-file) for the instance. Searches ``awsfab_settings.KEYPAIR_PATH`` for ``"<instance.key_name>.pem"``. :raise LookupError: If the key is not found. """ path = awsfab_settings.KEYPAIR_PATH key_name = self.instance.key_name + '.pem' for dirpath in path: filename = abspath(join(expanduser(dirpath), key_name)) if exists(filename): return filename raise LookupError('Could not find {key_name} in awsfab_settings.KEYPAIR_PATH: {path!r}'.format(**vars()))
[docs] def add_instance_to_env(self): """ Add ``self`` to ``fabric.api.env.ec2instances[self.get_ssh_uri()]``, and register the key-pair for the instance in ``fabric.api.env.key_filename``. """ if not 'ec2instances' in env: env['ec2instances'] = {} env['ec2instances'][self.get_ssh_uri()] = self if not env.key_filename: env.key_filename = [] key_filename = self.get_ssh_key_filename() if not key_filename in env.key_filename: env.key_filename.append(key_filename)
[docs] def get_by_nametag(cls, instancename_with_optional_region): """ Connect to AWS and get the EC2 instance with the given Name-tag. :param instancename_with_optional_region: Parsed with :func:`parse_instancename` to find the region and name. :raise Ec2RegionConnectionError: If connecting to the region fails. :raise InstanceLookupError: Or one of its subclasses if the requested instance was not found in the region. :return: A :class:`Ec2InstanceWrapper` contaning the requested instance. """ region, name = parse_instancename(instancename_with_optional_region) connection = connect_to_region(region_name=region, **awsfab_settings.AUTH) if not connection: raise Ec2RegionConnectionError(region) reservations = connection.get_all_instances(filters={'tag:Name': name}) if len(reservations) == 0: raise NoInstanceWithNameFound('No ec2 instances with tag:Name={0}'.format(name)) if len(reservations) > 1: raise MultipleInstancesWithSameNameError('More than one ec2 reservations with tag:Name={0}'.format(name)) reservation = reservations[0] if len(reservation.instances) != 1: raise NotExactlyOneInstanceError('Did not get exactly one instance with tag:Name={0}'.format(name)) return cls(reservation.instances[0])
[docs] def get_by_tagvalue(cls, tags={}, region=None): """ Connect to AWS and get the EC2 instance with the given tag:value pairs. :param tags A string like 'role=testing,fake=yes' to AND a set of ec2 instance tags :param region: optional. :raise Ec2RegionConnectionError: If connecting to the region fails. :return: A list of :class:`Ec2InstanceWrapper`s containing the matching instances. """ region = region is None and awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION or region connection = connect_to_region(region_name=region, **awsfab_settings.AUTH) if not connection: raise Ec2RegionConnectionError(region) tags = dict((('tag:%s' % oldk, v) for (oldk, v) in tags.iteritems())) reservations = connection.get_all_instances(filters=tags) if len(reservations) == 0: return [] insts = [] for r in reservations: for instance in r.instances: insts.append(cls(instance)) return insts
[docs] def get_exactly_one_by_tagvalue(cls, tags, region=None): """ Use :meth:`.get_by_tagvalue` to find instances by ``tags``, but raise ``LookupError`` if not exactly one instance is found. """ instances = cls.get_by_tagvalue(tags, region) if not len(instances) == 1: raise LookupError('Got more than one instance matching {0!r} in region={1!r}'.format(tags, region)) return instances[0]
[docs] def get_by_instanceid(cls, instanceid): """ Connect to AWS and get the EC2 instance with the given instance ID. :param instanceid_with_optional_region: Parsed with :func:`parse_instanceid` to find the region and name. :raise Ec2RegionConnectionError: If connecting to the region fails. :raise LookupError: If the requested instance was not found in the region. :return: A :class:`Ec2InstanceWrapper` contaning the requested instance. """ region, instanceid = parse_instanceid(instanceid) connection = connect_to_region(region_name=region, **awsfab_settings.AUTH) if not connection: raise Ec2RegionConnectionError(region) reservations = connection.get_all_instances([instanceid]) if len(reservations) == 0: raise LookupError('No ec2 instances with instanceid={0}'.format(instanceid)) reservation = reservations[0] if len(reservation.instances) != 1: raise LookupError('Did not get exactly one instance with instanceid={0}'.format(instanceid)) return cls(reservation.instances[0])
[docs] def get_from_host_string(cls): """ If an instance has been registered in ``fabric.api.env`` using :meth:`add_instance_to_env`, this method can be used to get the instance identified by ``fabric.api.env.host_string``. """ return env.ec2instances[env.host_string]
[docs]class WaitForStateError(Exception): """ Raises when :func:`wait_for_state` times out. """
[docs]def wait_for_state(instanceid, state_name, sleep_intervals=[15, 5], last_sleep_repeat=40): """ Poll the instance with ``instanceid`` until its ``state_name`` matches the desired ``state_name``. The first poll is performed without any delay, and the rest of the polls are performed according to ``sleep_intervals``. :param instanceid: ID of an instance. :param state_name: The state_name to wait for. :param sleep_intervals: List of seconds to wait between each poll for state. The first poll is made immediately, then we wait for sleep_intervals[0] seconds before the next poll, and repeat for each item in sleep_intervals. Then we repeat for ``last_sleep_repeat`` using the last item in ``sleep_intervals`` as the timout for each wait. :param last_sleep_repeat: Number of times to repeat the last item in ``sleep_intervals``. If this is 20, we will wait for a maximum of ``sum(sleep_intervals) + sleep_intervals[-1]*20``. """ from time import sleep region, instanceid = parse_instanceid(instanceid) sleep_intervals.extend([sleep_intervals[-1] for x in xrange(last_sleep_repeat)]) max_wait_sec = sum(sleep_intervals) print 'Waiting for {instanceid} to change state to: "{state_name}". Will try for {max_wait_sec}s.'.format(**vars()) sleep_intervals_len = len(sleep_intervals) for index, sleep_sec in enumerate(sleep_intervals): instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_instanceid(instanceid) current_state_name = instancewrapper['state'] if current_state_name == state_name: print '.. OK' return index_n1 = index + 1 print '.. Current state: "{current_state_name}". Next poll ({index_n1}/{sleep_intervals_len}) for "{state_name}"-state in {sleep_sec}s.'.format(**vars()) sleep(sleep_sec) raise WaitForStateError('Desired state, "{state_name}", not achieved in {max_wait_sec}s.'.format(**vars()))
[docs]def wait_for_stopped_state(instanceid, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for ``wait_for_state(instanceid, 'stopped', **kwargs)``. """ wait_for_state(instanceid, 'stopped', **kwargs)
[docs]def wait_for_running_state(instanceid, **kwargs): """ Shortcut for ``wait_for_state(instanceid, 'running', **kwargs)``. """ wait_for_state(instanceid, 'running', **kwargs)
[docs]class Ec2LaunchInstance(object): """ Launch instances configured in ``awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS``. Example:: launcher = Ec2LaunchInstance(extra_tags={'Name': 'mytest'}) launcher.confirm() instance = launcher.run_instance() Note that this class is optimized for the following use case: - Create one or more instances (initialize one or more Ec2LaunchInstance). - Confirm using :meth:`.confirm` or :meth:`.confirm_many`. - Launch each instance using meth:`Ec2LaunchInstance.run_instance` or :meth:`Ec2LaunchInstance.run_many_instances`. - Use :meth:`Ec2LaunchInstance.wait_for_running_state_many` to wait for all instances to launch. - Do something with the running instances. Example of launching many instances: a = Ec2LaunchInstance(extra_tags={'Name': 'a'}) b = Ec2LaunchInstance(extra_tags={'Name': 'b'}) Ec2LaunchInstance.confirm_many([a, b]) Ec2LaunchInstance.run_many_instances([a, b]) # Note: that we can start doing stuff with ``a`` and ``b`` that does not # require the instances to be running, such as setting tags. Ec2LaunchInstance.wait_for_running_state_many([a, b]) """ #: Number of seconds to sleep before retrying when adding tags gets EC2ResponseError. tag_retry_sleep = 2 #: Number of times to retry when adding tags gets EC2ResponseError. tag_retry_count = 4 @classmethod
[docs] def wait_for_running_state_many(cls, launchers, **kwargs): """ Loop through ``launchers`` and run :func:`wait_for_running_state`. :param launchers: List of Ec2LaunchInstance objects that have been lauched with :meth:`Ec2LaunchInstance.run_instance`. :param kwargs: Forwarded to :func:`wait_for_running_state`. """ for launcher in launchers: wait_for_running_state(, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_many_instances(cls, launchers): """ Loop through ``launchers`` and run :func:`run_instance`. :param launchers: List of Ec2LaunchInstance objects. :param kwargs: Forwarded to :func:`wait_for_running_state`. """ for launcher in launchers: launcher.run_instance()
[docs] def confirm_many(cls, launchers): """ Loop through Use :meth:`prettyprint` to show the user their choices, and ask for confirmation. Runs ``fabric.api.abort()`` if the user does not confirm the choices. """ from textwrap import fill print fill('Are you sure you want to launch (create) the following new instances ' 'with the following settings and tags?', 80) print '-' * 80 for launcher in launchers: print print launcher.prettyformat() print '-' * 80 Ec2LaunchInstance._confirm('Create instances')
@staticmethod def _confirm(question): if raw_input(question + ' [y/N]? ').lower() != 'y': abort('Aborted') def __init__(self, extra_tags={}, configname=None, configname_help='Please select one of the following configurations:', duplicate_name_protection=True): """ Initialize the launcher. Runs :meth:`create_config_ask_if_none`. :param configname: Name of a configuration in ``awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS``. If it is ``None``, we ask the user for the configfile. :param configname_help: The help to show above the prompt for configname input (only used if ``configname`` is ``None``. """ if not awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS: abort('You have no awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS.') self.extra_tags = extra_tags #: A config dict from awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS. self.conf = {} #: Keyword arguments for ``run_instances()``. = {} #: See the docs for the __init__ parameter. self.configname = configname #: See the docs for the __init__ parameter. self.configname_help = configname_help #: The instance launced by :meth:`.run_instance`. None when #: run_instance() has not been invoked. self.instance = None self.create_config_ask_if_none() if duplicate_name_protection: self.check_if_name_exists() def _ask_for_configname(self): """ Ask the user for a configname. :return: The user-provided configname. """ print self.configname_help print '-' * 80 fmt = '{0:>30} | {1}' print fmt.format('NAME', 'DESCRIPTION') for configname, config in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS.iteritems(): description = config.get('description', '') print fmt.format(configname, description) print '-' * 80 configname = raw_input('Type name of config: ').strip() return configname def _configure(self, configname): if not configname in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS: abort('"{configname}" is not in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS'.format(**vars())) conf = awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS[configname] kw = dict(key_name = conf['key_name'], instance_type = conf['instance_type'], security_groups = conf['security_groups']) try: user_data = zipit(conf['user_data']) kw['user_data'] = user_data except KeyError: pass if 'availability_zone' in conf: kw['placement'] = conf['region'] + conf['availability_zone'] self.conf = conf = kw def check_if_name_exists(self): import sys name = self.get_all_tags().get('Name') if name: print sys.stdout.write('Making sure no EC2 instance with Name={0} exists...'.format(name)) sys.stdout.flush() try: wrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_by_nametag(name) except NoInstanceWithNameFound: pass else: abort('An instance named {name} already exists.'.format(name=name)) print 'OK' print
[docs] def create_config_ask_if_none(self): """ Set :obj:`.kw` and :obj:`.conf` using :obj:`configname`. Prompt the user for a configname if bool(:obj:`.configname`) is ``False``. """ if not self.configname: self.configname = self._ask_for_configname() self._configure(self.configname)
[docs] def get_all_tags(self): """ Merge tags from the awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS config, and the ``extra_tags`` parameter for __init__, and return the resulting dict. """ tags = {} if 'tags' in self.conf: tags.update(self.conf['tags']) if self.extra_tags: tags.update(self.extra_tags) return tags
[docs] def prettyformat(self): """ Prettyformat the configuration. """ from os import linesep tags = self.get_all_tags() stripped = try: del stripped['user_data'] stripped['user_data'] = "YES!" except KeyError: pass info = '{kw}{linesep}Tags: {tags}'.format(kw=pformat(stripped), linesep=linesep, tags=pformat(tags)) if 'Name' in tags: name = tags['Name'] info = 'Name={name}:{linesep}{info}'.format(**vars()) info = '\n '.join(info.splitlines()) return info
[docs] def confirm(self): """ Use :meth:`prettyprint` to show the user their choices, and ask for confirmation. Runs ``fabric.api.abort()`` if the user does not confirm the choices. """ from textwrap import fill print fill('Are you sure you want to launch (create) a new instance ' 'with the following settings and tags?', 80) print '-' * 80 print self.prettyformat() print '-' * 80 Ec2LaunchInstance._confirm('Create instance')
[docs] def run_instance(self): """ Run/launch the configured instance, and add the tags to the instance (:meth:`.get_all_tags`). :return: The launched instance. """ connection = connect_to_region(region_name=self.conf['region'], **awsfab_settings.AUTH) reservation = connection.run_instances(self.conf['ami'], ** instance = reservation.instances[0] self._add_tags(instance) self.instance = instance return instance
def _add_tag(self, instance, tagname, value, retries=0): import time from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError try: instance.add_tag(tagname, value) except EC2ResponseError: if retries > self.tag_retry_count: raise print ('Got EC2ResponseError while adding tag to {id}. Retrying in ' '{sec} seconds...').format(, sec=self.tag_retry_sleep) time.sleep(self.tag_retry_sleep) self._add_tag(instance, tagname, value, retries=retries+1) def _add_tags(self, instance): for tagname, value in self.get_all_tags().iteritems(): self._add_tag(instance, tagname, value)