.. _awsfab_settings: ====================================== awsfab_settings.py --- Settings ====================================== Required setup ============== awsfabrictasks uses a settings system similar to the Django settings module. You add your settings to ``awsfab_settings.py``. Required configuration ---------------------- Create a file named ``awsfab_settings.py``, and add your AWS Security credentials:: AUTH = {'aws_access_key_id': 'Access Key ID', 'aws_secret_access_key': 'Secret Access Key'} You find these under ``My account -> Security Credentials`` on http://aws.amazon.com/. .pem-key -------- The ``.pem``-keys (key pairs) for you instances (the ones used for SSH login) must be added to ``~/.ssh/`` or the current directory. You can change these directories with the ``awsfab_settings.KEYPAIR_PATH`` variable (see :ref:`defaultsettings`). Local override ============== You may override settings in ``awsfab_settings_local.py``, which is typically used to store authentication credentials outside your version control system (i.e: with git you would add awsfab_settings_local.py to .gitignore). .. _examplesettings: Example awsfab_settings.py ========================== .. literalinclude:: awsfab_settings_example.py .. _defaultsettings: Default settings ================ .. ..literalinclude:: ../awsfabrictasks/default_settings.py .. automodule:: awsfabrictasks.default_settings