Source code for awsfabrictasks.ec2.tasks

General tasks for AWS management.
from pprint import pformat, pprint
from boto.ec2 import connect_to_region
from fabric.api import task, abort, local, env

from ..conf import awsfab_settings
from api import Ec2InstanceWrapper
from api import wait_for_stopped_state
from api import wait_for_running_state
from api import print_ec2_instance

__all__ = [
        'ec2_add_tag', 'ec2_set_tag', 'ec2_remove_tag',
        'ec2_launch_instance', 'ec2_start_instance', 'ec2_stop_instance',
        'ec2_list_instances', 'ec2_print_instance', 'ec2_login'

[docs]def ec2_add_tag(tagname, value=''): """ Add tag to EC2 instance. Fails if tag already exists. :param tagname: Name of the tag to set (required). :param value: Value to set the tag to. Default to empty string. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() if tagname in instancewrapper.instance.tags: prettyname = instancewrapper.prettyname() abort('{prettyname}: duplicate tag: {tagname}'.format(**vars())) instancewrapper.instance.add_tag(tagname, value)
[docs]def ec2_set_tag(tagname, value=''): """ Set tag on EC2 instance. Overwrites value if tag exists. :param tagname: Name of the tag to set (required). :param value: Value to set the tag to. Default to empty string. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() instancewrapper.instance.add_tag(tagname, value)
[docs]def ec2_remove_tag(tagname): """ Remove tag from EC2 instance. Fails if tag does not exist. :param tagname: Name of the tag to remove (required). """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() if not tagname in instancewrapper.instance.tags: prettyname = instancewrapper.prettyname() abort('{prettyname} has no "{tagname}"-tag'.format(**vars())) instancewrapper.instance.remove_tag(tagname)
[docs]def ec2_launch_instance(name, configname=None, noconfirm=False): """ Launch new EC2 instance. :param name: The name to tag the EC2 instance with (required) :param configname: Name of the configuration in ``awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS``. Prompts for input if not provided as an argument. :param noconfirm: Do not require the user to confirm creating the instance? Defaults to ``False``. """ if not awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS: abort('You have no awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS.') if not configname: print 'Please select one of the following configurations:' for config in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS: print '-', config configname = raw_input('Type name of config: ').strip() if not configname in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS: abort('"{configname}" is not in awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS'.format(**vars())) conf = awsfab_settings.EC2_LAUNCH_CONFIGS[configname] ami_image_id = conf['ami'] key_pair_name = conf['key_name'] kw = dict( key_name = conf['key_name'], instance_type = conf['instance_type'], security_groups = conf['security_groups']) if 'availability_zone' in conf: kw['placement'] = conf['region'] + conf['availability_zone'] print ('Are you sure you want to launch (create) a new instance named ' '"{name}" with the following settings and tags?').format(**vars()) pprint(kw) print 'tags:', pformat(conf['tags']) if raw_input('Create instance [y/N]? ').lower() != 'y': abort('Aborted') connection = connect_to_region(region_name=conf['region'], **awsfab_settings.AUTH) reservation = connection.run_instances(conf['ami'], **kw) instance = reservation.instances[0] instance.add_tag('Name', name) if 'tags' in conf: for tagname, value in conf['tags'].iteritems(): instance.add_tag(tagname, value) wait_for_running_state(
[docs]def ec2_start_instance(nowait=False): """ Start EC2 instance. :param nowait: Set to ``True`` to let the EC2 instance start in the background instead of waiting for it to start. Defaults to ``False``. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() instancewrapper.instance.start() if nowait: print ('Starting: {id}. This is an asynchronous operation. Use ' '``ec2_list_instances`` or the aws dashboard to check the status of ' 'the operation.').format(id=instancewrapper['id']) else: wait_for_running_state(instancewrapper['id'])
[docs]def ec2_stop_instance(nowait=False): """ Stop EC2 instance. :param nowait: Set to ``True`` to let the EC2 instance stop in the background instead of waiting for it to start. Defaults to ``False``. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() instancewrapper.instance.stop() if nowait: print ('Stopping: {id}. This is an asynchronous operation. Use ' '``ec2_list_instances`` or the aws dashboard to check the status of ' 'the operation.').format(id=instancewrapper['id']) else: wait_for_stopped_state(instancewrapper['id'])
[docs]def ec2_print_instance(full=False): """ Print EC2 instance info. :param full: Print all attributes, or just the most useful ones? Defaults to ``False``. """ instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() print 'Instance:', instancewrapper['id'] print_ec2_instance(instancewrapper.instance, full=full)
[docs]def ec2_list_instances(region=awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION, full=False): """ List EC2 instances in a region (defaults to awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION). :param region: The region to list instances in. Defaults to ``awsfab_settings.DEFAULT_REGION. :param full: Print all attributes, or just the most useful ones? Defaults to ``False``. """ conn = connect_to_region(region_name=region, **awsfab_settings.AUTH) for reservation in conn.get_all_instances(): print print 'id:', print ' owner_id:', reservation.owner_id print ' groups:' for group in reservation.groups: print ' - {name} (id:{id})'.format(**group.__dict__) print ' instances:' for instance in reservation.instances: attrnames = None print ' - id:', print_ec2_instance(instance, full=full, indentspaces=11)
[docs]def ec2_login(): """ Log into the host specified by --hosts, --ec2names or --ec2ids. Aborts if more than one host is specified. """ if len(env.all_hosts) != 1: abort('ec2_login only works with exactly one host. Given hosts: {0}'.format(repr(env.all_hosts))) instancewrapper = Ec2InstanceWrapper.get_from_host_string() host = instancewrapper.get_ssh_uri() key_filename = instancewrapper.get_ssh_key_filename() extra_ssh_args = awsfab_settings.EXTRA_SSH_ARGS cmd = 'ssh -i {key_filename} {extra_ssh_args} {host}'.format(**vars()) local(cmd)

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