Source code for awsfabrictasks.utils

from fabric.api import put, sudo
from os import walk, remove
from os.path import relpath, join
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

[docs]def sudo_chown(remote_path, owner): """ Run ``sudo chown <owner> remote_path``. """ sudo('chown {owner} {remote_path}'.format(**vars()))
[docs]def sudo_chmod(remote_path, mode): """ Run ``sudo chmod <mode> remote_path``. """ sudo('chmod {mode} {remote_path}'.format(**vars()))
[docs]def sudo_chattr(remote_path, owner=None, mode=None): """ Run :func:`sudo_chown` and :func:`sudo_chmod` on ``remote_path``. If owner or mode is None, their corresponding function is not called. """ if owner: sudo_chown(remote_path, owner) if mode: sudo_chmod(remote_path, mode)
[docs]def sudo_upload_file(local_path, remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ Use sudo to upload a file from ``local_path`` to ``remote_path`` and run :func:`sudo_chattr` with the given ``chattr_kw`` as arguments. """ put(local_path, remote_path, use_sudo=True) sudo_chattr(remote_path, **chattr_kw)
[docs]def sudo_upload_string_to_file(string_to_upload, remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ Create a tempfile containing ``string_to_upload``, and use :func:`sudo_upload_file` to upload the tempfile. Removes the tempfile when the upload is complete or if it fails. :param string_to_upload: The string to write to the tempfile. :param remote_path: See :func:`sudo_upload_file`. :param chattr_kw: See :func:`sudo_upload_file`. """ tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: tmpfile.write(string_to_upload) tmpfile.close() sudo_upload_file(, remote_path, **chattr_kw) finally: remove(
[docs]def sudo_mkdir_p(remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ ``sudo mkdir -p <remote_path>`` followed by :func:`sudo_chattr`(remote_path, **chattr_kw). """ sudo('mkdir -p {remote_path}'.format(**vars())) sudo_chattr(remote_path, **chattr_kw)
[docs]def sudo_upload_dir(local_dir, remote_dir, **chattr_kw): """ Upload all files and directories in ``local_dir`` to ``remote_dir``. Directories are created with :func:`sudo_mkdir_p` and files are uploaded with :func:`sudo_upload_file`. ``chattr_kw`` is forwarded in both cases. """ for local_dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(local_dir): remote_dirpath = remote_dir rel = relpath(local_dirpath, local_dir) if rel != '.': remote_dirpath = join(remote_dir, rel) #print local_dirpath, '-->', remote_dirpath sudo_mkdir_p(remote_dirpath, **chattr_kw) for filename in filenames: local_filepath = join(local_dirpath, filename) remote_filepath = join(remote_dirpath, filename) #print local_filepath, '-->', remote_filepath sudo_upload_file(local_filepath, remote_filepath, **chattr_kw)

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