Source code for awsfabrictasks.utils

from fabric.api import put, sudo
from os import walk, remove
from os.path import relpath, join
from mimetypes import guess_type
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from boto.utils import compute_md5
import logging

#: Map of strings to loglevels (for the logging module)
loglevel_stringmap = {'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
                      'INFO': logging.INFO,
                      'WARN': logging.WARN,
                      'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
                      'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
                      'QUIET': logging.CRITICAL}

[docs]class InvalidLogLevel(KeyError): """ Raised when :func:`getLoglevelFromString` gets an invalid ``loglevelstring``. """
[docs]def getLoglevelFromString(loglevelstring): """ Lookup ``loglevelstring`` in :obj:`loglevel_stringmap`. :raise InvalidLogLevel: If loglevelstring is not in :obj:`loglevel_stringmap`. :return: The loglevel. :rtype: int """ try: return loglevel_stringmap[loglevelstring] except KeyError, e: raise InvalidLogLevel('Invalid loglevel: {0}'.format(loglevelstring))
[docs]def configureStreamLogger(loggername, level): """ Configure a stdout/stderr logger (logging.StreamHandler) with the given ``loggername`` and ``level``. If you are configuring logging for a task, use :func:`configureStreamLoggerForTask`. This is suitable for log-configuration for a single task, where the user specifies a loglevel. .. seealso: :func:`configureStreamLoggerForTask`, :func:`getLoglevelFromString`. :return: The configured logger. """ logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.setLevel(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)s] %(name)s: %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger
[docs]def configureStreamLoggerForTask(modulename, taskname, loglevel): """ Configure logging for a task. Shortcut for:: configureStreamLogger(modulename + '.' + taskname, loglevel) Example (note that what you put in the loglevel docs for your task depends on how you use the logger):: @task mytask(loglevel='INFO'): \"\"\" Does some task. :param loglevel: Controls the amount of output: QUIET --- No output. INFO --- Only produce output for changes. DEBUG --- One line of output for each file. Defaults to "INFO". \"\"\" log = configureStreamLoggerForTask(__name__, 's3_syncupload_dir', getLoglevelFromString(loglevel))'Hello world') """ return configureStreamLogger(modulename + '.' + taskname, loglevel)
[docs]def sudo_chown(remote_path, owner): """ Run ``sudo chown <owner> remote_path``. """ sudo('chown {owner} {remote_path}'.format(**vars()))
[docs]def sudo_chmod(remote_path, mode): """ Run ``sudo chmod <mode> remote_path``. """ sudo('chmod {mode} {remote_path}'.format(**vars()))
[docs]def sudo_chattr(remote_path, owner=None, mode=None): """ Run :func:`sudo_chown` and :func:`sudo_chmod` on ``remote_path``. If owner or mode is None, their corresponding function is not called. """ if owner: sudo_chown(remote_path, owner) if mode: sudo_chmod(remote_path, mode)
[docs]def sudo_upload_file(local_path, remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ Use sudo to upload a file from ``local_path`` to ``remote_path`` and run :func:`sudo_chattr` with the given ``chattr_kw`` as arguments. """ put(local_path, remote_path, use_sudo=True) sudo_chattr(remote_path, **chattr_kw)
[docs]def sudo_upload_string_to_file(string_to_upload, remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ Create a tempfile containing ``string_to_upload``, and use :func:`sudo_upload_file` to upload the tempfile. Removes the tempfile when the upload is complete or if it fails. :param string_to_upload: The string to write to the tempfile. :param remote_path: See :func:`sudo_upload_file`. :param chattr_kw: See :func:`sudo_upload_file`. """ tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: tmpfile.write(string_to_upload) tmpfile.close() sudo_upload_file(, remote_path, **chattr_kw) finally: remove(
[docs]def sudo_mkdir_p(remote_path, **chattr_kw): """ ``sudo mkdir -p <remote_path>`` followed by :func:`sudo_chattr`(remote_path, **chattr_kw). """ sudo('mkdir -p {remote_path}'.format(**vars())) sudo_chattr(remote_path, **chattr_kw)
[docs]def sudo_upload_dir(local_dir, remote_dir, **chattr_kw): """ Upload all files and directories in ``local_dir`` to ``remote_dir``. Directories are created with :func:`sudo_mkdir_p` and files are uploaded with :func:`sudo_upload_file`. ``chattr_kw`` is forwarded in both cases. """ for local_dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(local_dir): remote_dirpath = remote_dir rel = relpath(local_dirpath, local_dir) if rel != '.': remote_dirpath = join(remote_dir, rel) #print local_dirpath, '-->', remote_dirpath sudo_mkdir_p(remote_dirpath, **chattr_kw) for filename in filenames: local_filepath = join(local_dirpath, filename) remote_filepath = join(remote_dirpath, filename) #print local_filepath, '-->', remote_filepath sudo_upload_file(local_filepath, remote_filepath, **chattr_kw)
[docs]def parse_bool(data): """ Return ``True`` if data is one of:: ``'true', 'True', True``. Otherwise, return ``False``. """ return data in ('true', 'True', True)
[docs]def force_slashend(path): """ Return ``path`` suffixed with ``/`` (path is unchanged if it is already suffixed with ``/``). """ if not path.endswith('/'): path = path + '/' return path
[docs]def force_noslashend(path): """ Return ``path`` with any trailing ``/`` removed. """ if path.endswith('/'): path = path.rstrip('/') return path
[docs]def localpath_to_slashpath(path): """ Replace ``os.sep`` in ``path`` with ``/``. """ from os import sep return path.replace(sep, '/')
[docs]def slashpath_to_localpath(path): """ Replace ``/`` in ``path`` with ``os.sep`` . """ from os import sep return path.replace('/', sep)
[docs]def rsyncformat_path(source_dir, sync_content=False): """ rsync uses ``/`` in the source directory to determine if we should sync a directory or the contents of a directory. How rsync works: Sync contents: Source path ending with ``/`` means sync the contents (just as if we used ``/*`` except that ``*`` does not include hidden files). Sync the directory: Source path NOT ending with ``/`` means sync the directory. I.e.: If the source is ``/etc/init.d``, and the destination is ``/tmp``, the contents of ``/etc/init.d`` is copied into ``/tmp/init.d/``. This is error-prone, and the consequences can be severe if combined with ``--delete``. Therefore, we use a boolean to distinguish between these two methods of specifying source directory, and reformat the path using :func:`force_slashend` and :func:`force_noslashend`. :param source_dir: The source directory. May be a remote directory (i.e.: [USER@]HOSTNAME:PATH), or a local directory. :param sync_content: Normally the function automatically makes sure ``local_dir`` is not suffixed with ``/``, which makes rsync copy ``local_dir`` into ``remote_dir``. With ``sync_content=True``, the content of ``local_dir`` is synced into ``remote_dir`` instead. """ if sync_content: return force_slashend(source_dir) else: return force_noslashend(source_dir)
[docs]def compute_localfile_md5sum(localfile): """ Compute the hex-digested md5 checksum of the given ``localfile``. :param localfile: Path to a file on the local filesystem. """ fp = open(localfile, 'rb') md5sum = compute_md5(fp)[0] fp.close() return md5sum
[docs]def guess_contenttype(filename): """ Return the content-type for the given ``filename``. Uses :func:`mimetypes.guess_type`. """ return guess_type(filename)[0]
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